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Locked on 02/12/2004 2:01:33 PM PST by Admin Moderator, reason:
We’re going to need a thread II as this one is starting to slow the site down. Also, on the new thread, please stop posting the name and pictures of the person you think the woman may be. The evidence doesn’t support the claim and we don’t need to be doing that. Wait for it to come out. It will.
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Drudge ^
| February 12, 2004
| Drudge
Posted on 02/12/2004 7:32:24 AM PST by BJungNan
Edited on 02/12/2004 2:03:35 PM PST by Admin Moderator.
click here to read article
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To: All
I just listened to the ABC top of the hour news, normally I don't abuse myself with their bs.
There was nothing about this story on their non news. The talking voice seemed to be very depressed.
posted on
02/12/2004 10:07:52 AM PST
Grampa Dave
(John F'onda Kerry is a Benedict Arnold with his anti America activities, post Nam.)
To: kcvl
Kerry's wife has said several times that she would be willing to spend her $500,000,000 in the election if her "family is attacked." It's more likely Teresa will spend $5,000,000 on divorce lawyers.
posted on
02/12/2004 10:07:58 AM PST
(cum puella incedit minore medio corpore sub quo manifestus globus, inflammare animos)
To: utahagen
Plus his (Edwards) teeth are starting to turn yellow.
posted on
02/12/2004 10:08:00 AM PST
(Another vote here for Bush, only IF Congress ends up defeating his illegal immigration amnesty law)
To: apillar
This story kind off put the common reference to John F'n Kerry in a whole new light...John F'ing Kerry was doing just that!!!!!!
posted on
02/12/2004 10:08:05 AM PST
(WARNING! Every name on every tombstone in the country equals one democrat vote.)
To: areafiftyone
Now that is John F'n Hilarious!
posted on
02/12/2004 10:08:14 AM PST
To: CyberAnt
The only way people lose "faith in the American culture" is when they remain silent. And .. if you're being "conditioned" that is YOUR problem. You get to choose what you watch and listen to.
A BIG line in the sand has been drawn .. it's called 9-11. As of that date, everything changed. It's only the dems/libs who haven't realized it.
You're right. A line in the sand has been drawn, but I refuse to BURY my head in said sand. We have Islam being taught in our public schools, homosexual activists initiating gay-straight alliances, the Holy Bible being defamed and beaten at every opportunity. We have women doing sex-dances on live television, homosexuals prancing about on every broadcast channel, gangster thugs speaking of hate and violence towards women and minorities on television, all hiding behind the free speech and freedom of thought principles.
Society is crumbling, and it is not an issue of simply "turning off" what I listen to or watch. I can ignore the problem all you like. It won't make it go away. It is a matter of having principles and standards. You do not teach 1st graders about sex. You do not invite some religions to speak at schools while telling others that having them would be a violation of the separation of church and state laws. But then, these very things I mention are happening all around the country and outside of this website there is very little outrage.
When are we going to mobilize? When is the American public going to take back our country? When will a person's character and honesty count? I have been waiting and waiting for stories similar to this to have some impact, to prove that things like a leader's character really do count to the American people. Kennedy was a cheater and he is somehow one of the most beloved Presidents in history. Clinton is a liar, and a cheat. He cheats on his family, lies to the American people, and yet is STILL defended and lauded as the greatest President ever, by democrats to this day!
The conditioning I was referring to is the result of all of these things. I have been conditioned to believe that, to most Americans, these things DO NOT MATTER. They do matter to me, however. I see it as a decay of our society, our culture, our way of life.
Unless we do something, unless people really wake up and realize that things like character, trust, and honor really matter over special interests and selfishness, our society is doomed to fail.
Because of everything I mentioned above, this Kerry scandal will not matter. We have become a nation too ignorant to tell the difference between right and wrong when considering what is in our best interests. It is one thing to find a nice little pocket on the web to discuss these things, yet quite a different matter to go out and affect societal change.
Simply turning the channel and denying you saw any of it is doing as much to harm society as those who push it on a population too ignorant to believe otherwise.
To: epluribus_2
Can you visualize what perky katie's expression is right about now as she sprays her latte all over her PC screen... Particularly after she spent the morning interviewing Edwards and trashing his electoral prospects and his lack of military service.
She might have to have him back on tomorrow to revive his candidacy!
To: Howlin
Well, you also know the news stations DON'T want to get caught not reporting on this when othere stations DO report it.
posted on
02/12/2004 10:09:07 AM PST
(cum puella incedit minore medio corpore sub quo manifestus globus, inflammare animos)
To: areafiftyone
posted on
02/12/2004 10:09:17 AM PST
(Bumper sticker: "Vote Democrat, it's easier than getting a job.")
To: Prodigal Son
"Clinton isn't stupid. He probably hates Drudge but he would also realize his usefulness (from experience LOL). It would be sweet to beat your rivals with the thing that stained your own campaign." FWIW...I am one of those tinfoil hat-wearers who believe Clinton used Drudge to break the Lewinsky story to divert attention from Clinton's more serious crimes (ChinaGate and others), thereby deriding the GOP's ongoing Impeachment efforts as "all about sex." So this would not be outta character or without precedence.
posted on
02/12/2004 10:09:56 AM PST
Mudboy Slim
(RE-IMPEACH Osama bil Clinton!!)
To: Grampa Dave
Edwards, who said he has not been pressured to bow out, even received some encouragement from a crucial Democratic stalwart -- former President Clinton. In an interview with USA Today, Clinton said there are reasons for Edwards to stay in the race.
"A lot of times things happen late in the race" that sometimes make a difference and sometimes don't, Clinton said, adding, "Look at the elections of the last 30 years. And ask yourself, is this election the same or different?"
After Edwards won South Carolina last week -- his lone victory in 14 contests -- he said Clinton suggested in a phone call that he should stay in the race. "He said 'You're doing great. Your speech is great,'" Edwards said.
To: Wild Irish Rogue
...but,that doesn't count for military service...
Doesn't that explain her sitting on the Armed Services Committee and her trip to Iraq? She needs to be seen as a 'moderate' ... also explains her not jumping on the AWOL charges against President Bush or the silence on WMD'S.
To: Loyal Buckeye
No, it doesn't mean Kerry has a "weapon of mass destruction". It means it was just a "leak".
posted on
02/12/2004 10:10:34 AM PST
King David
(nobody is perfect... i am nobody...)
To: Mudboy Slim
posted on
02/12/2004 10:10:40 AM PST
(Except for the one who married me!!!)
To: GigaDittos
Its a picture of Kerry kissing Dean. It was a joke. ;-)
posted on
02/12/2004 10:10:42 AM PST
(Democrats = the hamster is dead but the wheel is still spinning)
To: kcvl
just go and jam the site. CAN EVERYONE ON THIS BOARD PLEASE GO FLOOOOD DRUDGE'S MAILBOX WITH VICIOUS SCATHING HATE MAIL PLEASE?? Go send him 25 emails and get all of your friends who care about keeping newsreporting fair and responsible to do the same. It's the only way to stop this loony tune. Bet this person was jumping up and down about the "AWOL" story on Bush. Sucks to be you, DU...
posted on
02/12/2004 10:10:51 AM PST
(Until Kofi Annan rides the Jerusalem RTD....nothing will change.)
To: Howlin
But, what do the Clintons' GAIN with Edwards? (And, we know they have to gain something.)
To: BJungNan
Give me a break. We went through this with Clinton how many times? Fact is, everytime a marital infidelity is revealed, the high the approval ratings. If Clinton had any more affairs, he'd be crowned king by now.
We are going to have to beat Kerry another way.
posted on
02/12/2004 10:11:06 AM PST
(I got my 401(k) statement - Up 28.02% in 2003 - Thanks to tax cuts and the Bush recovery)
To: areafiftyone
I missed it.
posted on
02/12/2004 10:11:12 AM PST
(Bumper sticker: "Vote Democrat, it's easier than getting a job.")
To: BJungNan
And now this astute political analysis from an internet source that will go unnamed:
And Kucinich is still on the campaign trail....
And looks better every day.
That's got to be the funniest and at the same time most pathetic comment I've read in a long time.
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