Here is what I know so far:
I have had extended conversations with McCaul and Streusand. And a couple of short ones with Devine and Phillips. I have only seen one piece of mail from Tashenberg and nothing from Elliott, Kelley or Taylor.
McCaul and Streusand were both out early courting Precinct chairs and Republican groups.
Streusand and Phillips are self-financing to avoid spending time on fund-raising.
I'd rate the one's I know something about in this order:
Best Candidates: McCaul and Streusand
OK Candidates: Devine and Phillips
Poor Candidates: Tashenberg
It appears that McCaul and Streusand are the only ones campaigning hard. I have seen signs for Devine and Phillips but little else. The rest appear to have given up or don't know how to run a campaign.
One of my hot buttons is Tax Reform. On this issue McCaul and Streusand are the only ones to state they support fundamental tax reform including eliminating the IRS. McCaul has publicly endorsed the FairTax (HR25) but I have not seen it mentioned by name in his campaign materials. He also has a consultant on staff who worked on the FairTax. Streusand describes the FairTax in his campaign materials but has not mentioned it by name.
McCaul's Biography explains his positions at the Justice Department.
I have had an email dialog with McCaul (& his wife Linda). Email sent to Marc Cowart for Streusand was not answered. Even after I mentioned it to both of them at the Harris County Republican Party Executive Committee meeting. Email sent to Phillips and Devine was also not answered. That did not impress me.
In the end I feel McCaul and Streusand are both worthy candidates but support McCaul because he has been more responsive to me.