To: mountaineer
What a beautifully and forcefully written letter.Oh yes. I wish we could get Brig. Gen. Turnipseed to compose such a letter.
7 posted on
02/11/2004 6:27:01 AM PST by
(John Kerry looks like . . . like . . . weakness.)
To: Petronski
This needs to be sent to that jackall David Gregory of NBC news.
15 posted on
02/11/2004 6:30:49 AM PST by
To: Petronski
I concur with everything said in this letter. There are many troops who are given excusals for many different reasons in the Guard and Reserves. John Kerry is a worthless sack of dung. I would not offer to piss on him if he were on fire. That is how many of us in the service now feel about him. God forbid he should become our Commander in Chief.
To: Petronski; Hon; Ragtime Cowgirl; Congressman Billybob; Alamo-Girl; xsmommy
Freeper "Hon" has been in contact with the General, who also frequents FR.
As we used to write...
From: Me
To: Hon
Subject: General Turnipseed, request for reference to attached
Ref: This letter
Encl: (1) Free Republic thread, ANG Service
386 posted on
02/11/2004 8:52:22 AM PST by
Robert A Cook PE
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