#279 -- "the members of the militia which was stated as a justification for the 2d". -- #279
Obviously the people referenced in the 2nd are the 'People of the United States'.
-- It will be interesting to see you dig yourself out of your own "trick question" hole.
Two bits you won't even try to explain yourself on that howler..
False as usual. I stated that the justification given in the 2d was because "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."
Nope, -- you said that 'the people' referenced only applied to militia.
If you have a problem complain to the Founders those are their words. They were justifying it with militia needs not I. I have repeatedly posted WHO the militia was "every able bodied (free) man."
And, you thereby attempted to justify the AWB renewal as only the milita supposedly have a right to assault weapons..
Don't you get tired of these distortions. Can you not find things to argue with me about which I have actually SAID.
Others don't have your problem.
How weird.. Many "others" here have been complaining of your distortions of our BOR's for this whole thread..