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To: looscnnn
What Super power will side with the American militias? Which one will supply them with training and Stingers? Uh, none.

Maybe you are unaware that the French were beaten in Vietnam because the North had an army which was supplied with weapons by the U.S.A. Half the armaments readied for an army of 1 million to invade Japan was diverted to Ho Chi Minh's forces after WWII. The other half was sent to Korea.

Nor was the Viet Cong a militia. These were paramilitary forces armed and supplied from the North backed up by the North Vietnamese Army. Most of the "Viet Cong" were former refugees from the North introduced into the South by American policy during the 50s, they weren't Tonkinese or native to the South.
574 posted on 02/11/2004 1:12:39 PM PST by justshutupandtakeit (America's Enemies foreign and domestic agree: Bush must be destroyed.)
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To: justshutupandtakeit
"What Super power will side with the American militias? "

Members of the US military would in certain situations.

"Which one will supply them with training and Stingers?"

Many of the militia are ex-military, thus they were already trained. Stingers? Ever hear of improvised munitions? Ever hear the saying "when there's a will, there's a way"? If they had to go into machine shops and build their own weapons, they would.

"Maybe you are unaware that the French were beaten in Vietnam because the North had an army which was supplied with weapons by the U.S.A. Half the armaments readied for an army of 1 million to invade Japan was diverted to Ho Chi Minh's forces after WWII. The other half was sent to Korea."

So the US built AKs? Boy you just keep piling the crap.

"Nor was the Viet Cong a militia. These were paramilitary forces armed and supplied from the North backed up by the North Vietnamese Army. Most of the "Viet Cong" were former refugees from the North introduced into the South by American policy during the 50s, they weren't Tonkinese or native to the South"

Who ran the supplies in the North? The militia were the ones that hauled it along the trail while the regulars fought. The militia was also involved in ambushes, etc. How did the North form their army against the French? By first starting with militias.
581 posted on 02/11/2004 1:22:59 PM PST by looscnnn (Tell me something, it's still "We the people", right? -- Megadeth (Peace Sells))
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To: justshutupandtakeit
--- the point of the militia and the 2d amendment was to protect the State from its enemies. It is not just some arbitrary protection of rights but to protect a Free state otherwise the militia would not have even been mentioned.
--- the idea that a ragtag bunch of "militia" with no training and no advanced weaponry could defeat a modern army.
Few things are more laughable.

275 posted on 02/10/2004 10:34:26 AM PST by justshutupandtakeit

justshutupandtakeit then wrote:
What Super power will side with the American militias? Which one will supply them with training and Stingers? Uh, none.

Ever occur to you that people allowed to keep & bear "advanced weaponry" wouldn't need the help of a "super power" to keep themselves free, hotshot? -- Hmmmm?

Really man, your frantic efforts to justify renewing the AWB are getting ludicrous..

Give it up..
591 posted on 02/11/2004 1:38:39 PM PST by tpaine (I'm trying to be 'Mr Nice Guy', but the U.S. Constitution defines conservatism; - not the GOP. .)
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