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To: justshutupandtakeit
You brand yourself as a believer in the 'militia' theory of the 2nd.. -- then go on to say:

-- "Nor do I believe the amendment was pointed at the government" ---
An outright admission that, to you, our various levels of government are not bound by "shall not be infringed"..

To ice the cake, you claim that blacks in LA who are suspected of gangsterism have no RKBA's as such laws may be "justifiable and necessary".

And to finish up you make an emotional appeal that we should allow majority rule to win on the AWB renewal, --- as when maybe a new majority gains power it would "go away", -- using the same harebrained theory..

Jsuati, my boyo, you are WAY over the edge here..
-- Thanks.. Bizarro posts like yours are alotta fun..


Another post from tpaineintheass, another distortion.

"pointed at the government" meant that the militia was pointed at the government not that the government was not bound by its strictures.

Any non-moron would have known that from the context of the post which was clearly discussing what the militia was to protect and from whom.

You stated:

-- "Nor do I believe the amendment was pointed at the government" ---

-- An outright admission that, to you, our various levels of government are not bound by "shall not be infringed"..

Yep, even morons like you can see that, -- and that the rest of your reply is just another moronic repeat of the well refuted positions you've been spouting here for two days..

Give it up, gungrabber.. Your crediblity will never recover from this thread.. You've blown your cover & burnt your bridges..

504 posted on 02/11/2004 10:06:01 AM PST by tpaine (I'm trying to be 'Mr Nice Guy', but the U.S. Constitution defines conservatism; - not the GOP. .)
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To: tpaine
If there is a more dishonest poster on FR I have yet to run into him. Not that I care much since anyone can see your desperate attempts to put words into my mouth and twist the ones I actually say. Those are the only folks I am concerned about not you.

Keep on lying it hurts your causes and helps your opponents.

I am not interested in credibility in your eyes that would mean I join the ranks of the dishonest and deluded.
588 posted on 02/11/2004 1:34:44 PM PST by justshutupandtakeit (America's Enemies foreign and domestic agree: Bush must be destroyed.)
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