The enemies of the militia will not be the US Army. It will be the politicians who have violated their oaths and the tyrannical bureaucrats who carry out unConstitutional edicts.
The first level of support for unConstitutional control is the local police department. How can gun control laws be enforced if local police will not participate? The participation of local police must be opposed and reversed.
If the local police arm themselves with tanks and fighter planes, then they have become the US Military but without the oath. Where will they live? Where will their children go to school? Where will they shop? Who will provide them haircuts? Who will repair the plumbing in their homes?
If you intend to be a useful member of the Militia and oppose the infringements of the right to keep and bear arms, then you need to work on your creativity.
The refusal of the people of Boston to pay a tax on tea caused the Boston Tea Party.
Punishment for destruction of the tea caused the government to place Boston under martial law.
Opposition to martial law caused the government to attempt to confiscate arms from Lexington and Concord. Thus was fired "the shot heard round the world".
The clearest indication of what the future holds for our nation is the degree to which some of us recognize the BATF as the jack-booted-thugs who killed the children of Waco. Anyone who believes that anti-gun laws should have been used as a pretext to attack and kill those people is my enemy.
Why, Sweeney Todd, of course:
Actually, the are supposed to take a version of the oath as well. It's required in the Constitution itself, Art. V 3rd paragraph
The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the Members of the several State Legislatures, and all executive and judicial Officers, both of the United States and of the several States, shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation, to support this Constitution; but no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States.
The worst thing about local police is that they, unlike sherrif's deputies, don't report to an elected official in most cases. They report to an appointed Chief of Police. Who appoints the CoP varies from the mayor, to the city council, to the city manager, who in turn is not an elected official.