To: justshutupandtakeit
Supporters of Team America are not petulantly threatening to take their ball and go home because their every play is not called. The supporters of team America are also the owners and petulance is not one of their flaws, thank God. Most realize they must keep focused on that prize that is liberty. A small faction of self-important jocks has to brought back into line before their lust for glory perverts the game entirely.
481 posted on
02/11/2004 9:23:07 AM PST by
To: eskimo
A small faction of self-important jocks has to brought back into line before their lust for glory perverts the game entirely. "Lust for glory"? WTF you talkin' about, Willis?
547 posted on
02/11/2004 11:09:04 AM PST by
Charles Martel
(Liberals are the crab grass in the lawn of life.)
To: eskimo
Oh this is petulance at its worse.
575 posted on
02/11/2004 1:13:36 PM PST by
(America's Enemies foreign and domestic agree: Bush must be destroyed.) is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson