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Assault weapons ban back in play; Feinstein tries to get reluctant Congress ...
San Francisco Chronicle ^
| Feb 9, 2004
| by Edward Epstein
Posted on 02/09/2004 9:03:09 AM PST by Lazamataz
Edited on 04/13/2004 2:45:44 AM PDT by Jim Robinson.
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To: Travis McGee
"I'll be going to the SHOT Show in Vegas tomorrow,"
Travis, -- I recall I had some problem getting into a Shot Show in Reno many years ago, because I had no 'credentials'.. Is it still restricted to the trade, or can the public attend?
I've been meaning to go again for quite some time..
Will you have a display of your book?
posted on
02/10/2004 12:26:19 PM PST
(I'm trying to be 'Mr Nice Guy', but the U.S. Constitution defines conservatism; - not the GOP. .)
To: Travis McGee
"I'll be going to the SHOT Show in Vegas tomorrow, and won't be posting after that until I return Sunday or Monday."
Lucky you, wish I could. Safe trip.
posted on
02/10/2004 12:28:58 PM PST
(Tell me something, it's still "We the people", right? -- Megadeth (Peace Sells))
To: Travis McGee
If you are gone for a while, you won't see the results until you get back in 5-6 days.
posted on
02/10/2004 12:30:45 PM PST
(I know exactly what opinion I am permitted to have, and I am zealous -- nay, vociferous -- in it!!!)
To: Travis McGee
I much prefer the logo you used on your book cover. The snake coiled around the M-16 on the yellow background of the Gadsen flag.
The coiled snake is ready to strike. The original use of a snake to represent the colonies used the motto "join or die", showing the snake segmented.
This one with the red stripes seems very cluttered. The red in the snake and the excessive detail in the snake are a detriment, I think.
One might also consider using the phrase "KEEP AND BEAR ARMS" instead of "SECOND AMENDMENT". It can pass as a description of the right as well as a command. Perhaps, even, "KEEP AND BEAR ARMS !".
To: tpaine; looscnnn; Lazamataz
The Accu-Shot company is letting me share a sliver of their space (booth 929 in the LE area) to display my books.
Yes, you need some kind of "trade" credentials, but it's not hard to come up with something. You need to apply in advance with the name of your company or magazine etc. In my case, my one man/one book publishing company (Steelcutter Publishing) was enough.
posted on
02/10/2004 12:38:30 PM PST
Travis McGee
(----- -----)
To: William Tell; Lazamataz
The artwork in this logo is copywrited to the author, and I paid to use it for the book cover. The author sells shirts, stickers and mugs with that logo already on Cafe Press with various RKBA slogans.
To use the concept of the coiled snake, one would have to draw a new snake and rifle. There are some image composites floating around built from a picture of a striking coiled rattler, but they are hard to print with the clarity of a vector file derived drawing like the one on the EFAD cover.
posted on
02/10/2004 12:43:44 PM PST
Travis McGee
(----- -----)
To: William Tell; justshutupandtakeit
justshutupandtakeit said: "How ridiculous is the idea that the Soviets could defeat our military and be beaten by a militia? Very ridiculous even absurd. " No rational military leader of proper intellect would ever discount the effectiveness of militia forces defending their homeland. They have superior commitment, superior supply line structure, and superior knowledge of the area. Weapons are easily commandeered and there is no hesitation by those defending against invaders to be just as savage as they can to protect themselves and their families.
posted on
02/10/2004 12:45:56 PM PST
To: justshutupandtakeit
You brand yourself as a believer in the 'militia' theory of the 2nd.. -- then go on to say:
-- "Nor do I believe the amendment was pointed at the government" ---
An outright admission that, to you, our various levels of government are not bound by "shall not be infringed"..
To ice the cake, you claim that blacks in LA who are suspected of gangsterism have no RKBA's as such laws may be "justifiable and necessary".
And to finish up you make an emotional appeal that we should allow majority rule to win on the AWB renewal, --- as when maybe a new majority gains power it would "go away", -- using the same harebrained theory..
Jsuati, my boyo, you are WAY over the edge here..
-- Thanks.. Bizarro posts like yours are alotta fun..
I have no "militia theory" merely quoting the words of the amendment itself hardly implies such a thing.
Your own words here belie you.. You've spouted portions of that 'line' on a bunch of posts on this thread..
Looks like you can attempt distortion of anything but are rarely successful with those who can read. Nothing in the second amendment indicates it to be directed AT the state but it clearly states that it exists to PROTECT A FREE STATE. It is true that initially it did not include the states and they routinely violated the BoR until the 14th amendment theoretically put a stop to that.
It is not 'true'.. The supermacy clause has always included all states in requiring compliance to our individual rights.
Though Jesse and Rev. Al don't like it FELONS are not allowed to legally possess firearms. I have no problem with that any more than I do with not allowing inmates to possess them in the joint. How is the statement of a simple FACT an "emotional appeal?"
You just so appealed in that last line.. Inmates/guns are not the issue here. Emotional appeals that this is a about criminals w/guns is ludicrous hype.
When the majority of the voters stops falling for the gungrabbers bullshiite the gun control laws will be thrown out.
There you go, appealing to majority rule. Odds are the great unwashed majority will ALLways be BSed about gun rights.. What then?
Nothing emotional there and it shouldn't be hard for even you to grasp the point.
How dense can you get?
posted on
02/10/2004 12:53:09 PM PST
(I'm trying to be 'Mr Nice Guy', but the U.S. Constitution defines conservatism; - not the GOP. .)
To: El Gato
No I did not have the emphasis wrong. I emphasized the word I intended to emphasize in order to point to the purpose of the militia. It was there to protect a free state not to protect people from their own state/nation. It explains why the right was to be protected, not to hunt bears, shoot targets, have fun or even self-protection. It was to protect their free state. They are not allowed to turn their guns upon their free state.
Militias were made up of every able bodied man and evolved from units whose only useful purpose was to protect against Indian raids to units which could also be used as auxilaries with the British forces when fighting the French then to units which were used to fight the British during the War.
They become more formal as time goes on and eventually were susceptible to calling into federal service at which point they must be trained under officers appointed by the State and under regulations promulgated by the Congress.
posted on
02/10/2004 1:00:19 PM PST
(America's Enemies foreign and domestic agree: Bush must be destroyed.)
To: Travis McGee; Everybody
Thanks for the info.. I may see you there..
-- Anybody got any access 'credentials'?
posted on
02/10/2004 1:01:08 PM PST
(I'm trying to be 'Mr Nice Guy', but the U.S. Constitution defines conservatism; - not the GOP. .)
To: Travis McGee; Everybody
Thanks for the info.. I may see you there..
-- Anybody got any access to 'credentials'?
posted on
02/10/2004 1:01:28 PM PST
(I'm trying to be 'Mr Nice Guy', but the U.S. Constitution defines conservatism; - not the GOP. .)
To: Double Tap
The House is part of Congress.
posted on
02/10/2004 1:02:23 PM PST
(America's Enemies foreign and domestic agree: Bush must be destroyed.)
To: gatex
It has been confronted and is being rolled back in state after state. The tide crested about 1994.
posted on
02/10/2004 1:05:11 PM PST
(America's Enemies foreign and domestic agree: Bush must be destroyed.)
To: tpaine
No one said it would.
posted on
02/10/2004 1:06:23 PM PST
(America's Enemies foreign and domestic agree: Bush must be destroyed.)
To: justshutupandtakeit
OK. Now that we know that you know what I already knew, please explain what that has to do with post 235.
To: gatex
It means something different now than what it did in 1787. Then it also differed according to the particular state.
Clarence Thomas and Condi Rice were not considered part of the people in most states until after 1865. Now they are.
Illegal aliens, if the right color, were considered part of the people then now they are not.
posted on
02/10/2004 1:10:05 PM PST
(America's Enemies foreign and domestic agree: Bush must be destroyed.)
To: justshutupandtakeit
"We don't have an election cycle to play around with. "Sure we do. One thing I have learned as a teacher of American Government, about our government, is that nothing ever operates at the spped with which you seem to suggest.
"The murderous Islamaniacs will not call time out..."
Well, there hasn't been another attack on our soil since 9-11, and that is I'm sure partly due to the attrition of their groups by our SpecOps and Intel groups working where the rubber hits the road, not up in the ethereal levels of the Pentagon and Langley Puzzle Palaces. Although, I must admit, I'm a bit startled that it hasn't already happened.
".......another RAT weakens the military, strengthens the UN and plays havoc with our intelligence capabilities. "
I doubt seriously if the next RAT will RISK any significant weakening of our forces, I worry more about unilateral withdrawal of forces from places where they are still needed. I also worry about a unilateral weakening of SpecOps troops. I don't sweat the UN, at least in the short term of the next four years. They have to have Senate ratification for anything earth shaking. The UN is still trying to recover it's sense of relevance. Our intel, due to PAST RAT havoc, already can't GET much worse. The solutions aren't really available to either a Bush or a Kerry. I suspect we will continue to rely rather heavily on HUMANINT from MOSSAD and MI6 and others, until we can rebuild and that will likely take another ten years.
IF the AWB in any form reaches Bush's desk and he falls victim to your observation that he can't seem to veto anything, then I think he will have betrayed his oath of office and MUST be removed by the people.
"......he is also the best leader who could possibly be elected today and that is the important factor. THAT is the most important consideration. "
There are capable leaders everywhere. Heck, I'd take JEB over GW anyday! But I accept that GW is the nominal head of the Republican Party at this point in time. That's fine. But he is guilty of walking away from the conservative base that is his strongest line of support in order to curry favor with folks who align themselves with ideology that I consider flatly contrary to conservatism. Just because he sacrificed HIS integrity in this manner doesn't mean I'm going to sacrifice mine. Liberalism will destroy the country, eventually. Not right away. As I said, these things take time. But eventually. One thing I'm not going to do is: justshutupandtakeit!
posted on
02/10/2004 1:11:16 PM PST
(When the going gets tough, the tough go cyclic.)
To: Lazamataz
I love guns as much as anyone but I love my country more and don't equate the two as some around here seem to do.
posted on
02/10/2004 1:11:46 PM PST
(America's Enemies foreign and domestic agree: Bush must be destroyed.)
To: justshutupandtakeit
State constitutions are not the same as the federal one and are no guarantee of anything. Illinois has an even more explicit guarantee of the individual's right to bear arms yet I can't own a pistol in Chicago. Don't have that problem in my state. Perhaps you need to come to the realization that you must defend your rights and not "just shut up and take it".
posted on
02/10/2004 1:12:13 PM PST
To: freeeee
Illinois constitution defines the militia as consisting of every able bodied man and claims to protect the RtKaBA in similiar fashion to the US. You are correct there are massive contradictions between it and actual lawmaking.
Militias were often during the Revolution worse than useless since they could not be planned on. They are of value only against even more untrained and undisciplined enemies.
Pointing out the enemies of Bush is hardly a cheap shot it is a mere FACT.
posted on
02/10/2004 1:18:53 PM PST
(America's Enemies foreign and domestic agree: Bush must be destroyed.)
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