So what if they are carnivors?
I used to. But not anymore. The truth is that trophy hunting is an effective way to keep animal populations health an growing. Many times the biggest Male game animals, the ones that control the herds. Are not as affective in breeding. They may be the biggest and baddest, but the are beyond their peak performance, so to speak. By removing a" trophy animal," herds break up into smaller units, that are led by animals a the the peak of their performance. Sometimes a trophy animal is edible many times they are stinky old things. As for eating carnivores, why?
By the way, Using Trophy hunting, as a management technique, many countries in Africa have had explosions in their Rhino populations. In these counties, it has also eliminated poaching as a lifestyle.
This is another area in which we disagree. I find the idea of trophy hunting offensive. I think that hunting should be for putting food on the table.