Sorry but definitions do not come from Google. Google searches will obtain positive hits for lots of bogus phrases. As an example I suggest you try searching for the phrase "pr0n warez" or something.
You are getting hysterical over the use of a word the definition of which you fail to understand.
imminent: "hanging threateningly over one's head"
Either something's hanging threateningly over your head, or it's not. Once something's hanging threateningly over your head, it's hanging threateningly over your head. Or: once something's imminent, it's imminent. If you want to capture the idea of something being more "threatening" than another, you would say "it's imminent AND more threatening", not that it's "more imminent".
Once something's imminent, it's imminent.
Anyway, Bush never said Iraq was imminent. Some people are obsessed with arguing that he did, for some reason. I think they think "imminent" is a magic word. Once you can just prove that Bush really DID say "imminent" then PRESTO, you win all arguments. Or something. *yawn* Anyway, keep fighting the good fight...