I'm convinced that's the thinking of the White House. The illegal alien amnesty proves it. He knew conservatives would be outraged, and didn't care. There's a pattern here, not just isolated events. He wants the vast amorphous middle and isn't concerned about the edges, and he probably thinks that he never really had a conservative base. Of course, you have to ask yourself, what about his principles? I'd rather not have to answer that one.
As for gridlock, there's a lot to be said for it, considering what we've seen as the alternative. It's obvious now that Compassionate Conservatism simply means buying votes and pandering to anyone that they think can be bought.
Unless we threaten dire action, such as staying home in November, then we have no control or influence over our party. Unfortunately, if what I believe is true, then we conservatives have no control or influence regardless. And to think that people where upset at Bush 41! He was a model of conservatism compared to GWB.
Disclaimer: I'm not recommending staying home on November 2.