That's pretty funny. Non-Catholics may not know that when Catholics line up to go forward for Communion, sometimes they have a little kid in hand because they're too young to leave back in the pew. The priest customarily blesses the kid, who is too young to receive Holy Communion, partly I suspect so the kid won't feel left out.
There's at least some implication in the bishop's comment that Kerry hasn't yet reached the age of reason.
Measure Number: H.R. 3396 (Defense of Marriage Act )
Kerry (D-MA), Nay
"I think there has been an exaggeration," Mr. Kerry said when asked whether President Bush has overstated the threat of terrorism.
Presidential candidate Sen. John Kerry (D-MA) blasted Pope John Paul II, telling the pontiff to keep his theology out of American politics when it comes to homosexual rights.
You're right, although not just children do this. I am divorced and remarried, so I am not "eligible under the rules" to receive communion. I often go through the communion line with my daughter, and instead of holding out my hand for the host, I clasp my hands and bow my head when I reach the priest, who then blesses me. Certainly I can use a blessing! :-)