Sorry to disagree with your facts, but I must have missed them. The only evidence that I've seen so far is that he legally purchased around 2000 prescription pills over the course of 6 or so months. I have yet to see anything credible that indicates he purchased controlled substances from other than legitimate sources, ie: Pharmacies.
Since the prosecutor has apparently now limited his investigation to "Doctor Shopping", I also have to presume that there isn't a whole lot of evidence of Rush purchasing controlled substances from his housemaid or whomever else he was in cahoots with. If there were such evidence, then the prosecutor would have already taken that to a Grand Jury and used the subpoena powers of the grand jury to open the doctor and pharmaceutical records to look deeper, not the other way around.
Acually, I have no dog in this fight, I just would like to see something concrete before I'm willing to concede that anyone has comitted a crime. Innuendo isn't fact, but if you actually have facts, I'd like to see them.
No facts, no evidence, no crime...
Thats not the issue. His pharmacy purchase records shows prima facia evidence that a crime was committed. That is because of the type of drugs purchased, the fact that the scripts were from multiple doctors and within 30 days of each other. His only out is if the doctors in question knew about the prior scripts. If not, Rush is screwed.