I've listened to various theories as to why he is doing this (immigration); I have arrived at the conclusion that it is going to cause extreme damage with this policy. I'm not saying intentionally, but it won't matter if it was done intentionally or not. The end result will be the same.
As I've stated before, the Clintons spent eight years flooding the country with Mexican and other Third World immigrants; that was part of an intentionally conceived plan to tip the demographic scales as it were. You know, Hillary "Trash the Electoral College While We're Doing It" Clinton. Put these people on a fast track to citizenship just in time for Election 2000. We saw the ruse. We knew what they were doing, and what the outcome would be.
Now the President is adopting a strategy that is going to lead to the same state, in my opinion. We can assume his intentions are good, many here (and probably he himself) think they will be won over by the Republican Party.
I don't think it's going to play out that way. These illegal immigrants are lawbreakers who want handouts and social services; I have no doubt as to what party they are going to gravitate towards eventually. The party of lawbreakers and entitlements.
So we'll start with 8 million as some estimate, but that will be the tip of the iceberg. These people will have children here, they'll have liberal lawyers and judges conspiring to keep them here. They won't be leaving when 3 or 4 years are up as everybody is optimistically projecting.
In four years, eight million will become twelve or fourteen or even twenty million. Twenty million new Democrat voters for 2008.
America is not prepared to handle such instability, especially in the condition we find it today. I'm not trying to be a pessimist; all I know is that I have a sinking feeling about all of this.
I feel as if it's vote for the President, get him four more years, after which I fear we'll not see a conservative President for many years to come due to demographics. We'll be completely overrun by then. I wonder if this is how the men at the Alamo felt.
I've accused many of the Bush-bashers of never being part of his "base," and as probably being Buchanan voters in 2000. No one has responded to tell me I'm wrong.