That's also a good point.
However, I feel it must be said that a lot of this criticism is really not entirely fair.
Pres. Bush is being criticized for not being sufficiently conservative. But, honestly, I knew he wasn't really a conservative when I volunteered, contributed and voted for him. Is there anyone here that can honestly say they seriously thought he was an actual conservative?
All the signs of mushiness were there, including the illegal-alien coddling (go back to 1994, and read what he said about California's Prop. 187...while he was governor of Texas, no less). Did we not have any suspicions about his much-vaunted ability to work with Texas Democrats?
"Compassionate conservatism" is really neither. At least it's not very compassionate to taxpayers.
On the other hand, he certainly has his good points. He has done a pretty good job running wars, and he's got the economy coming back on line. He's also kicking the a**es of the environmentalist wackos in many areas.
So, the question we ask ourselves this year is the very same question we asked in 2000. Should we support a guy who is electable in order to stave off the inevitable collapse of our country for a couple of more years?