To: Howlin
MSNBC will be showing Kay's testimony, as well as CSPAN. They say Kennedy and Clinton are going after him! You don't mean to tell me we have to hear from that witch in all of this?
Hitlery is a WMD.
124 posted on
01/28/2004 8:48:25 AM PST by
Hillarys Gate Cult
(Proud member of the right wing extremist Neanderthals.)
To: Hillarys Gate Cult
Yes, we do.
127 posted on
01/28/2004 8:49:02 AM PST by
To: Hillarys Gate Cult
Levin just screwed himself and is trying to get out of the corner...
128 posted on
01/28/2004 8:49:10 AM PST by
God luvs America
(Howard Dean is a deranged lunatic!!)
To: Hillarys Gate Cult
That bears repeating: Hillary is a WMD.
133 posted on
01/28/2004 8:49:33 AM PST by
(The Clintons have pardoned more terrorists than they ever captured or killed.) is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson