iT'S GOTTA be desperate any time people are GLAD the epa is taking over . . . Cuff me, lead me away, lock me up . . . for your protection . . . I'm beginning to froth, twitch, curse and hurle things . . . AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Back in 1994 when conservatism was on the rise and there was even malitia movements startin up all over the place... The guy that was the commander of the El Dorado County Malitia, who quieted way down after the OKC bombing, got all upset about asbestos bein in the serpentine gravel on his Community Service District road.
He got asbestosis while buildin ships down at the naval ship yard in Vallejo durin the big war and he got so upset by this series of articles by this idiot in the BEE, that he called in the EPA!!! Now remember... This anti-federal government commander of the malitia called in the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT guys with their moon-suits to pave over the serpentine gravel road!!!
This kind of abject inconsistency can even be observed amongst conservatives right here on FR and it just cracks me up!!! It doesn't just happen with a few beer drinkin red-necks up on the backwoods Georgetown Divide in El Dorado County, CA!!!