He's putting the nation on notice to this very fact, and how he wants to change it.
What would you do, and how would you do it? And how would you deal with the millions already here?
He's been in offfice for three years but hasn't enforced the law, why is he just now getting around to putting us on notice? That's the whole point, if he's been unwilling to enforce the law in the past there's no reason to believe he'll do so in the future.
What would you do, and how would you do it? And how would you deal with the millions already here?
Simple, I'd enforce the law, primarily through employer sanctions and cutting off all benefits. Many would self-deport on their own. The illegal Pakistanis proved that's what would happen when the government finally made a half-hearted attempt at enforcing the law against them. They voluntarily left by the thousands.
The CLEAR Act in Congress is another important piece of legislation I support. It would utilize the resources of the police by encouraging them to turn over all illegals they come into contact with to BICE.
As Eisenhower proved in 1954, enforcement works. As the amnesty of 1986 demonstrated, rewarding them does not.