As to said women who had abortions, most of them do so with the urging of said men. Look at the faces of the women who come out of abortion clinics. There are no smiles or relief. Just sadness and guilt.
As to the hundreds of pro-abortion letters from women who had abortions. Well hundreds do not even come close to the millions that has been performed.
It is important for women who has had abortions to speak out and let the public know their true feelings.
I wonder how many abortions a man has pushed on to women. That would be an interesting number.....
But I believe in women's rights........the REAL kind. I was a feminist when it meant that women were being encouraged to be strong and capable. Women need to begin standing up against these men, and do what's RIGHT. No excuses.
But you are also right that they are bearing a tremendous amount of guilt for murdering their own child, and these stories need to be told..........more than the hundreds who claim to believe they did the right thing......the thousands, or millions who know they DIDN'T need to speak up.