Read this, and apply it to yourself, ex.
It is YOU who repeatedly call into question anyone's morals if they don't agree with you.
It is YOU who are guilty of 'prideful arrogance.'
It is YOU who think YOUR opinions are an infallible understanding of what the Scripture and the Constitution mean.
It is YOU who are laughable to all who read your arrogant condemnations.
All I did was to turn your own game around on you.........and you lost.
Can't you just tell the truth? I stated MY Moral position - feeling froggy? And you can't stand it. You can't argue the issues - you can only launch personal attacks. Tell you what pal, anytime you think you are ready to defend Bush's actions, point by point, let me know. I have repeatedly listed Bush's liberal statements and policies and I have yet to find any Bush loyalist who can adequately defend him on these points - all you can do is launch attacks - a liberal democratic tactic. All you can do is attack my character, my conservativatism, and my motives, but such attacks are RED HERRINGS. It has become evident that you are incapable of defending Mr. Bush on the issues.
You are not up to a REAL DEBATE. So, why don't you just get lost - I think I'm done posting to you. You are wasting my time. Your further posts will be ignored. As Ace Ventura once said, "Buh Bye then."