To: CasearianDaoist
"No I did not mean to say there was a Delta 6."
I did not mean to imply that you did, and sorry in advance for any offense.
"We would see a whole new generation of architectures if the designs did not have to be lifted into orbit and they could be service from space. I think that they were mum about this for some political reasons as some of these new architectures do not rely on solar power"
Exactly. That's why the Apollo LEM looked the way it did - why streamline?
"(if you know what I mean.)"
Yes, I do. :-)
"I think that Bush actually got it right but it is seems to be a hard sell because the solution has such a comprehensive and long term vision to it. I sure hope they can bring it off."
And that comprehensive nature is what is throwing people like Zubrin. They don't understand that the CEV starts as a very simple "head unit", then proceeds to a set of specialized add ons for different missions. This achieves multi-mission scope for the CEV system without emulating the compromising approach of Shuttle. Also, it will have support modules that will be Mars-specific in nature.
13 posted on
01/21/2004 8:49:38 AM PST by
(May the wings of Liberty never lose a feather!)
To: Frank_Discussion
Yep, with you all the way. Let us hope it happens.
To: Frank_Discussion
Zubrin has done his job. His lobbying, among others, has renewed the Mars goal. If he continues to lobby for specific hardware and specific budgets and schedule, he will be talking to himself. Take a bow, Dr Zubrin, you've done it!
17 posted on
01/21/2004 8:58:04 AM PST by
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