To: em2vn
Is being anti-union part of conservative dogma? I don't think it is. I don't think it is either.
I support what unions were started for - workers organizing to ensure they were treated fairly and with respect against management who used blacklisting to force workers into near slavery.
I do not support unions which try to peddle power and influence to keep union jobs alive regardless of the impact on the workers' jobs. Does that happen? I don't know based on true evidence, but I suspect it does, and human nature would suggest it does regularly.
88 posted on
01/16/2004 9:33:54 AM PST by
(Scientific reasoning makes it easier to support gross immorality.)
To: ArGee
"Does that happen? I don't know based on true evidence, but I suspect it does, and human nature would suggest it does regularly."
It does, think about the fact that in auto plants in MI you HAVE to join the union to work there. Workers are not allowed to be non-union. Plus the fact that they can strike if they do not get their demands met. MI is not a right to work state.
107 posted on
01/16/2004 10:39:30 AM PST by
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