His people have had contact with Bush's people for some time before the change in leadership here. He's already making moves to undo some of the damage wrought on our military by Chretien's fools and is dropping the rediculous "Canada as a moral leader" BS that was so prominent with the Chretien era. Also recall that while he lived in Quebec (not unrealistic for the business he was in) he hails originally from Windsor, Ontario (across the border from Detroit) so he doesn't share the smug arrogance common to native French Quebecers.
There's absolutely nothing in his political or personal makeup that would suggest that he won't actively try to repair the damage in relations Chretien seemed so proud of.
All this being said, he's still a Liberal and I hardly can see myself voting for him, but until the (new) Conservative Party gets it's feet on the ground we're probably stuck with him. Frankly, if we have to be stuck with a Lib gov't I'd rather have him heading it than any of the alternatives. At least he lives in the real world and knows what it's like to make a payroll. Chretien sat in the House of Commons for 40 years and was driven by nothing more than raw political ambition.
Interestingly, Martin kiboshed all of Chretien's pet projects immediately upon taking office. In a further (and pleasant) surprise he immediately announced an accelerated agenda to replace our military's aging and decrepid Sea King helicopters, a program Chretien famously cancelled immediately upon gaining office. This was a hard slap in the face to Chretien. These two men never liked each other. Should be interesting to watch.