To: Varda
Aren't the vast majority of dogs mutts, though? One would expect the majority of bites to be mutt-bites. Perhaps those are not newsworthy, or perhaps (as is likely) pitt bulls really do more than their fair share of biting!
I don't know what it would prove to include mutts in the statistics.
To: Triple Word Score
My Daddy would never have any other dog than Mutts. He thought they were tougher and smarter.
He also would always pick the runt of the litter. Perhaps that dog is the least aggressive, I don't really know why, but he did have some really, really great dogs.
160 posted on
01/14/2004 6:31:03 PM PST by
To: Triple Word Score
It used to be that the vast majority of dogs were mutts. In my area of the country that is no longer true.
Like I said I haven't read the thread but I did look up the CDC report. Pitt Bulls are reported as "Pitt Bull types" which is code for mixed breed. (This is consistant with the results of local studies on dog bites in the Pittsburgh area) The CDC report conclusion is that. " Although fatal atacks on humans appear to be bred-specific other breeds may bite and cause fatalites at higher rates. Because of difficulties inherent in determining a dogs's breed with certainty, enforcement of breed-specific ordinances raises constitutional and practical issues."
IOW does nothing to address the actual issue of dangerous dogs.
One reason animals can't have rights is that they have no responsiblilties. An animal is not responsible for what it does, his owner is. Mutts or any kind of dog require responsible owners. These lists of "dangerous breeds" do nothing but offer the irresponsible an excuse for negligent behavior toward the responsibility that is dog ownership.
180 posted on
01/14/2004 6:48:42 PM PST by
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