Hard to see how they can credibly advance the claim of being the largest and most forcefully anti-Bush voice in digital-era politics, given the virulently hysterical anti-GWB spewings all over this site during the past week or so; all of them, purportedly, courtesy of (*kaff*kaff*) "lifelong Republican voters," no less.
Spare me the outrage over MoveOn's hateful "Bush=Hitler" ads from now on, please. After having seen GWB slurred -- idiotically and irresponsibly -- as a "traitor," a "war criminal," a "socialist" and a "liberal" right here, on this very site... I'd have to say, in all naked honesty: THEY'RE not where our problems genuinely lie, ultimately.
More's the pity.
Yeah, whatever. When George Soros gives us 5 million dollars to play with and we make a commercial to go on television, then I might note the similarities.