There is no " ex cathedra" dogma of the Catholic church that the death penalty is wrong.
Liberal Catholic heirarchy like present group are entitled to their personal opinions on policy.
If the present Pope doesn't like the death penalty that's his opinion. Until it is made a dogma by an official pronouncement a Catholic can tell him to go take a hike.
But if this anti American Pope makes it official "ex cathedra" a matter of faith and morals taught to the whole church,then if you are still in favor of the death penalty you should be thrown out of the Church.
Not likely to happen since the Catholic church has gone along with the death penalty for centuries suported it and I believe at times had some heretics executed. -Tom
Why should it? The LORD GOD Himself not only allows the death penalty, He DEMANDS it! Christians and Jews should SUPPORT the death penalty.
Genesis 9:6--Whoever sheds the blood of man, BY MAN shall his blood be shed..."
And have you ever noticed that Jesus was COMPLETELY SILENT about the death penalty being carried out on the two THIEVES (i.e. NOT even murderers) who died on the cross on either side of Him? There was not even one peep out of Jesus regarding any so-called inhumanity of crucifying murderers, much less mere THIEVES.
If there was ever a time for Jesus to speak out on the subject of the death penalty, surely, THAT was the time to do so.