But how many millions is proposing to hand this NOTHING card to? I realize the card is nothing --- it does nothing to stop illegals who don't wish to sit and wait for the government to process their paperwork. The green cards are often sold --- by the ones who hold them, they take the cash --- sometimes just because they needed spending money and report them stolen so they can get a replacement. There are an awful lot of illegals who didn't bother obtaining documents of Americans --- they're carrying green cards with someone else's name on them. The same thing will go on with the blue cards --- it might be even worse.
Can it get worse than now? NO. You guys have been ragging for three years about the status quo. Well, that's now in play. So .. if you oppose this solution, you better have a better alternative than "Seal the Borders. Arrest and Deport the Illegals." That's no longer a valid opening ante in this game.