Honestly now. If America did like Mexico and disallowed non-citizens from owning land within 5 miles of the coast (Which is a completely bogus Mexican law and also a prime reason to not playball with Mexico) I still think that the coast of coastal propoerty wouldn't be cheap, especially 1/2 a mile of beachfront property.
If America did like Mexico and disallowed non-citizens from owning land within 5 miles of the coast (Which is a completely bogus Mexican law and also a prime reason to not playball with Mexico) I still think that the coast of coastal propoerty wouldn't be cheap, especially 1/2 a mile of beachfront property. Too many people bidding on too little property = high prices.
And adding more immigrants, legal or illegal, will not help the problem.
There is only so much high-quality real estate.
And the more people you cram into America the lower the percentage of Americans that will own prime property.
Of course, the land-barons love this--but they already have their private acreage to retreat to, while our children will be forced to live in human-anthill high-rises.