To: Age of Reason
There is no job Americans won't do You are so right about that. I live in an area whose demographic is over 95% American-born caucasians. Somehow we manage to get everything done that needs doing.
Bush's proposal would encourage employers to ratchet the payscale downward until qualified Americans won't accept it. That opens the door for the prospective employer to claim that no Americans will apply for a particular job. According to Bush's proposal, that's when the employer can legally hire aliens.
65 posted on
01/07/2004 11:45:53 AM PST by
(Some things have to be believed to be seen)
To: lonevoice
"Bush's proposal would encourage employers to ratchet the payscale downward..."
In the end this is what it is all about. On this point there is very little difference between the parties. We better just face it; our parties pray to the alter of big business.
Unless the electorate revolts, this policy will never change on either side of the aisle. IMHO
293 posted on
01/07/2004 12:10:44 PM PST by
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