To: Thisiswhoweare
This is Bush's Waterloo.
Instead of plugging the widening gap in our borders, these potential "undocumented" worker programs will open the floodgates of immigration further yet. And this amnesty proposal may backfire politically. Polling shows that a majority of Republicans, Democrats and independents all favor stricter enforcement of immigration laws, not laxer guidelines, and certainly not blanket amnesty. If President George W. Bush applies the force of the bully pulpit behind an ill-conceived amnesty program, the resulting security breach may cost Bush the election -- and the American people their security. That's a price they will not willingly pay in a post-9/11 world. In proposing any form of amnesty, President Bush is playing with fire.
Remember -
"There is nothing more permanent than a 'temporary' government program." - Reagan
1,316 posted on
01/07/2004 5:06:44 PM PST by
(To the victor go the oils. No oil or oil-money for islamofascist weapons of mass annihilation.)
To: flamefront
Thanks for the Reagan quote, I had forgotton that one. I miss him so much.
Sadly, he tried the amnesty thing as well, but for entirely motivations: I believe his was an honest stab at correcting the problem. Of course, illegal immigration simply boomed therafter, and we will see a second albeit hypersonic boom from this travesty. is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson