To: Thisiswhoweare
I don't accept your assessment. President Bush believes in open and free trade, but globalists are in the Democratic Party camp who think the nation can defend itself only with the permission of the U.N.
To: Cultural Jihad; BushisTheMan
for the record...I renounced my words. Thanks culturaljihad..again :)
Bushistheman....oh never mind. Try reading before flaming. I at least admit when I blow it.
1,308 posted on
01/07/2004 4:52:18 PM PST by
(Hopefully I made a valid argument void of hate speech)
To: Cultural Jihad
I believe if you look hard at the political scuffling leading up to the Davos summit, you will find there is also strain of globalist in the Republican party. Only they believe that the party should be run out of Washington, not Europe.
Or do I need to reprise the GH Bush groundbreaking policy speech to the graduating Midshipmen of Annapolis regarding the New World Order? is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson