Oh really? But if someone had said this:
"The claims of Christianity do not depend on historical origins, but on an inner knowledge of God, the accompaniment and reward of piety. What makes Christianity true is the spiritual life of Christians, not religious history but religious experience."... would you find it just as crazy?
Absolutely. Once you divorce the Bible from history, you delegate Christianity to mythology, and Christ becomes yet another mystical member of the peace pantheon of Wise Agéd Ones.
Yes, I believe that the Bible is True Truth. It all really happened, in other words. Knowledge of Truth is an intellectual process, and sponaeous reactions to momentary moods and impulses do not qualify. Faith today means belief in the absence of sufficient evidence. Nobody needed any faith to believe that Christ rose from the dead. They had the evidence of their senses. No "faith," as the word is understood today, was required.
I can't understand why Christians find this so troublesome to understand. After all, the word logos is the root of the word "logic" and all the -ologies.