To: RussianConservative
Everyone run with hands in air screaming end of world, it is no end of world. Probably not. It'll just be that population "adjustment" the Malthusians have been asking for. The question is whether it'll be better to survive or die and get the misery over quickly. Surviving a disaster like that will be one rough Darwinian adventure.
Yellowstone is dangerous with worldwide implications but you might do well to study the volcanic situation in Kamchatka, a little closer to your home. Look up volcanoes like Bezymianny, Karymsky, Klyuchevskoi, Avachinsky and others. Check out the Kuril Islands too.
519 posted on
01/02/2004 9:55:17 PM PST by
Bernard Marx
("Do what you are afraid to do." Anonymous.)
To: Bernard Marx
The Kurile Island eruptions aren't a real serious ..... to him.
The prevailing winds will blow it OUR way, though with a lot of simple deposits in the bottom of the Paciifc. Much more to Japan, the Koreas, Aslaka, Canada.
Not a problem for almost all points east of thos islands, and there ain't a lot of Russians living nearby!
527 posted on
01/02/2004 10:49:55 PM PST by
Robert A Cook PE
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