The rule of law is ending. The rule of man is beginning. We are about to enter the age of chaos and unintended consequences."
Indeed! I fully agree. I predicted several years ago that within a few years we'd hear talk of us "needing to 'revamp' our Constitution." Well, that talk is starting to become reality. I'm sure there'll be motions to "draft a new one" within 10 years. Whether or not that happens, opening the door to discussing it almost assuredly means it will within a decade or two.
Funny too, the ones sentencing Americans for violating the laws are those who are breaking them. I do not even want to imagine standing before a liberal judge who knows you are conservative. \
This time period is indeed the time referred to as "great tribulation" in the scriptures. Many construe that to be more geo-political, but just as with most things in scripture, it's a figurative reference. I cannot imagine more trying times on a world wide level over the past 2,000 years. Morality is going down the crapper almost in exactly the same fashion as described in the days of Noah. There's a key hint, eh.
Anyhoo, it can get quite a bit more "tribulatory" I'm sure as we are being witnesses to. Right and wrong are growing to be interchangeable dependent upon the "political order of the day", morals are growing ever more challenged as both wrong and intolerant, of "lacking morals" I suppose.
Those who have no morals run roughshod over those who do and have no solid footing for anything that they do in life. Their decisions against those who do are nothing better than hate, disdain, or contempt for those people individually apart from any consistent basis of decision whatsoever. These are indeed the days, whether beginning of, middle, or end of, that Christ, Paul, and Peter spoke of to define a massive tribulatory period. There's no question about that.
Unfortunately, it's only a matter of time for this country to go the way of Europe and the rest of the UN-led world too. Just one liberal president every four or five terms "speeds the clock up" irreversably a good decade or two. This country simply cannot stand another round of "Klintonism" or other liberally guided "leadership." It simply cannot.
My guess is that there will be another "stay of execution" for this country for another 10-20 years before a largely uneducated or agendized mass pushes us over the top. I know things are partially turning around now, but these thigns always go in swings and that next swing will be in ten to twenty given the rate at which things move these days.
What used to be measured in the time of a decade in the latter half of the 20th century is now compacted into a few short years. Information moves at incredible speeds. Residents of the world are bathed in immorality from all sides these days. MTV/VH1 (aka soft porn on demand) has pervaded the world.
Many people have allowed themselves and their children to be turned into people behaving like animals who are driven by pure base instincts and taught to meet the immediate needs of those instincts and not to be inhibited by such things as morality, shame, guilt, moderation, logic, reason, sanity, consideration for others/love for others, and common sense.
It's a very sad state of affairs. Unfortunately, those are the biggest issues of the day and conservatives are losing the battle on those in spades. Thus the "turning of the ways" on them by "conservative" republicans these days. Conservatism is very rapidly becoming devoid of the same morals that have placed liberals where they are today. How much longer can the moral positions of only a few hold the line!