To: Syncro
Point your finger at someone and say bang and you are facing weeks of suspension.
Lord help you if a butter knife ends up in the back seat of your car.
Draw a picture of Army combat and face the scorn of your peers.
Apparently threatening a conservative student with physical harm isn't on this school's zero tolerance list.
To: GSWarrior
Hold a door open for a woman and you're 'sexually harrassing her'.
Make the mistake of smiling at a woman and you must be leering at her.
Be one of her multiple bedmates for the evening and you're not supposed to think she's a tramp.
Be a 'metrosexual' wussified pom-pom boy and it's okay to do all of the above.
I guess I don't understand their ideas anymore than their 'zero tolerance' myself.
But they really mean zero tolerance for anything they disagree with.
16 posted on
12/23/2003 5:58:00 PM PST by
(Lead me not into temptation, I can find it well enough on my own.)
To: GSWarrior
Yep, I have been in the neighborhood for many years, and it has gotten worse.
17 posted on
12/23/2003 10:38:41 PM PST by
To: GSWarrior
Apparently threatening a conservative student with physical harm isn't on this school's zero tolerance list.It looks more like it's on their list of criterion for faculty awards.
30 posted on
12/26/2003 5:28:33 PM PST by
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