So, crack cocaine is safer than cigarettes? By that reasoning, injectable heroin would be one of the "safest" drugs out there.
FYI, ounce per ounce, marijuana is more dangerous than cigarettes.
And ounce per ounce, aspirin is more dangerous than marijuana, but I don't think anyone will notice the illogic in your argument.
And that is basically where I come from. God put all of these plants on the earth for us to use. And as with all things man does, sometime we use good things for bad purposes. Tobacco, marijuana, cocoa, and poppies, in their natural form are not, IMHO, bad things. A pure tobacco cigar or a pure marijuana cigarette are not something that should be outlawed, nor should the cocoa plant or the poppy. But a manufactured tobacco cigarette is not pure tobacco, and as such has more in common with crack than does a pure marijuana cigarette.