To: lowbridge
If I were Bruce Willis, I'd split it three ways with equal shares going the the two intelligence officers for 1st Brig/4th ID, Lt. Angela Santana amd Cpl. Harold Engstrom.
The Wall Street Journal had a front page article today on the efforts of these military-intelligence analysts. They spent months charting out the relationships between Sunni tribesman and Saddam. From this they identified "The Source" that yielded the location of Saddam.
Interesting factoid about Cpl. Engstrom is that he is a former teacher who joined up after 9-11.
The third person that ought to share the reward is the Task Force 2 special forces guy that found the hole.
52 posted on
12/18/2003 2:38:27 PM PST by
To: 5by5
Can you link that article.....I would like to read it.
60 posted on
12/18/2003 2:42:38 PM PST by
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