Simple, sensible and direct. Thank you.
Interestingly enough: I have yet to see any of the Oh-Woe-Bush-Is-the-New-George-McGovern types pestilenting these boards ever, ever respond, credibly OR concretely, to Southack's irrefutable mega-listing of solid, hard-fought and invaluable c-o-n-s-e-r-v-a-t-i-v-e accomplishments, these past three years. (See posting #7 in this very thread, for latest example of same.)
Now why, oh why might THAT be, I wonder?
No... no, wait. I guess I don't really wonder, after all.
It's genuinely pathetic, how some hereabouts have somehow managed to delude themselves into believing, post-Reagan, that "conservatism" is all about matters of purse, and purse alone; rather than the sacred, true conservative ideals of (oh, say) exporting and safeguarding democracy, both here and abroad; or working on behalf of the helpless unborn; or even (if Mammon's is the only standard to which they'll willingly bend the knee) lower income taxes for working families, nationwide.
They are -- increasingly; ultimately -- the Republican equivalent of the Green Party: noisy, self-aggrandizing... and (blessedly, in the final analysis) self-marginalizing.