So we simply keep electing Republicans until both democrats and the lawyers cease to exist?
Well, we elect a filibuster-proof majority in the Senate, a solid majority in the House, hang on to the White House, and win an overwhelming majority in the governors' chairs and legislatures of the states.
Then we pack the courts to the brim with reactionary strict-constructionists, from city traffic court to the Supreme Court.
We get rid of elected judges (who are whores for the trial bar) and replace them with appointed judges that are subject to retention elections every four years.
Then we ram tort reform through like a steam roller. Loser-pays, caps on damages, no pain & suuffering or contingency fees or punitive damages or class action suits, the whole ball of wax. Really stick it to the lawyers and bankrupt them by the millions.
Will some people who suffer real harm find it harder to collect? Yes. Tough $h!t. That's the price to be paid to save society from the filthy wreckers and buccaneers.
I'd rather save Little League and diving boards and obstetrical care for my wife, than have the the right to try to hit the jackpot for millions of dollars when I spill hot coffee on my own stupid lap.
We must make the legal profession such a miserable, poverty stricken, disreputable field that no sensible person would wish to enter it. Sort of like it is in Japan, where most families would prefer their son to be a brothel owner rather than a lawyer.