To: 11th_VA
Another senseless accident caused by "military style assault" fences.
Remember it is a collective right and not an individual right to keep and bear such fences .
When will we learn that the public must not be allowed to own so-called white "picket" fences around their homes. We must not have them around our children's schools and other public places. This maddness must stop.
Picket fences with multiple , sharp pointy tops are obviously meant for use by the Armed Forces. They are absolutely useless to hunters and ought to be banned, except by the military and certain episodes of "Little House on the Praire".
Those who insist on owning such terrible implements of death must have their fences "registered" so to prevent further tragedies like this.
The American people must follow Europe's example. The government must make it's goal to insure the people of this nation are as "de-fenseless" as possible.
Remember it is for the children.
Somebody please ping Diane Feinstein
41 posted on
12/11/2003 6:30:07 PM PST by
(Paris is as Paris does....)
To: RedMonqey
Yep,he went to Ohio State!!!
42 posted on
12/11/2003 7:06:24 PM PST by
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