To: RC30
"Parents that spoil their kids deserve spoiled cry babies."
You are right...and you are "Honoring thy parents".
123 posted on
12/11/2003 3:16:33 PM PST by
Maria S
("…the end is near…this time, Americans are serious; Bush is not like Clinton." Uday Hussein 4/9/03)
To: Maria S
This whole thread is amusing as a all get out. Gen X hating BB's isn't even a new idea. They stole it!!
Remember back in the 60's when we 'lived' the phrase - "don't trust anyone over 30"? All the same words on this thread.
ROFLMAO!! Bring back drive-ins!!!
126 posted on
12/11/2003 3:31:03 PM PST by
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