Have literacy rates on this thread suddenly dropped? Or was it too many danger close rounds? Reread my post, redleg. I never said that there was another method that would have accomplished the goal. In fact, I said that he probably did the right thing. What part of that do you not understand? Or are you purposely misrepresenting what I've said?
If you really could care less, then why respond?
Because you misrepresent what I've said, and I don't want others to think I agree with your misrepresentation. So I reemphasized my point.
I know and understand the deal about doing what needs to be done sometimes even if its outside "the book". Did it myself on occasion, and covered for troops and other officers who did the same on occasion. But I also know that if some things become public, they simply can't be ignored or glossed over at that point. Someone's got to take the fall, even if what he did was right under the circumstances. That's part of the deal if you're an officer.
West keeps his pension, and apparently his full rank as well. He's gotten a ton of support from a lot of citizens, and I imagine from within the army as well. I'm guessing that he'll be taken care of as much as possible, and I'm pleased with that.