To: Steve_Seattle
What is even more amazing that tonight NBC had an on air story [from the Telegraph in UK] that an Iraqi Col was interviewed saying that Saddam ordered his troops to fire WMDs on US troops [but the Army refused or were over-run before they could deploy them].
But what is truly amazing is that CNN, ABC, even FoxNews and Drudge have IGNORED this bombshell of a story supporting Bush and Blair's claims of Saddam's WMD.
Just what the heck is going on?!?!
Ok, I suppose FoxNews thinks it is much too busy covering that perv Michael Jackson to support Pres Bush from the Dems' constant lies about "No WMDs in Iraq"; but what's up with Drudge?
It can't be that women lopping off their toes is THAT much more of an important story!!!
9 posted on
12/06/2003 7:15:37 PM PST by
(Stop C*ANSWER from Infecting America's Foreign Policy!)
To: auzerais
In response to your "What's up with Drudge?" comment, let me give you my opinion. First, Drudge and all media folks live only by ratings! You have got to look at his coverage from the point of reality. Drudge just about goes with anything, because, in that fashion he keeps all comers! In addition, he knows that some of his postings will really tee off the overwhelming conservative base he has. He does that for a reason. It keeps the conservative base fired up! Whether is is a moronic Hillary Clinton quote, or a fake turkey photo op played up by the left-wing media because they don't have anything better to go with, etc., Matt Drudge knows the majority of his readers and the majority of Americans know that stuff is BS. If he just stuck to "preaching to the choir", his site would not long be successful! Take ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, for instance, They all have been and continue to lose large numbers of viewers! The liberal, left-wing, Democrat mantra they keep bringing forth is laughed at by the majority of Americans! People actually like to hear all sides fairly, so they can make up their own minds. Democrat liberals don't understand that basic premise, because they think they are superior to us common folk! The Democrat debates are watched by just about nobody! The media must keep things jazzed up at all times. The biggies have forgot this important facet of their success. Fox News and Drudge, as well as Free Republic has not. Got to keep the juices flowing. The good news is that the moron Democrat Party is too dumb to see how they are being set up, over and over again! is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson