I agreed with everything you wrote except this.
My basic premise was that everyone, atheist or not, has a spirit which knows when we do wrong. We have been quenching that spirit for decades to the point where we no longer hear it. With homosexual "marriage" the spirit screamed loud enough to be heard.
I resepectfully disagree. A man and a woman indulging in an illicit sexual relationship (if they are not married) can consecrate or legitimize that relationship by marrying. Two men or two women can only legitimize their relationship by ending it.
The sticking point is that a sexual relationship between a man and a woman can be licit or illicit; moral or immoral. Such a relationship can be the cornerstone and foundation of a civlization, or it can be destructive.
OTOH, a sexual relationship between two people of the same sex can only be immoral, illicit, and destructive.
You are right that the myriad types and levels of sexual immorality - from pre-marital sex, adultery, promiscuity, down to "swingers' clubs" and S&M and other horrors - are not only objectively evil, but are destroying countless individuals' lives and families, and therefore, by sheer numbers, society.
Yet if we celebrate the James Bond promiscuity in movies and TV, what basis do we have for telling homosexuals their own lifestyle is wrong?
The descent into the destruction of civilization hinges greatly on the debasement and destruction of sexual morality, and we have seen it happening for some time. It actually started over a hundred years ago or more. But the abyss has been reached with "homosexual marriage". Once the lines of right and wrong are completely erased, there is no stopping. Pedophilila, necrophilia and cannibalism are next on the list of acceptability. But homosexuality is a big milestone, because it is 100% forbidden not only by every monotheistic religion in the world, but by God in our hearts (as expressed by ArGee).
The homosexual activists and their handmaidens have succeeded probably beyond their wildest dreams. By desenstizing the populace to all manner of sexual immorality, (and then the populace indulging in same) who can point a finger at the pederasts and sodomy practitioners?
It's kind of like sharing stolen goods with someone, and later the partaker of such goods has no foundation from which to criticize the thief, even as they commit worse and worse crimes.