To: Questioneer
Anti-Semitism is hating Jews. It's very simple. I'm not sure what denying Christ has to do with anything. Are you saying that Jew-hating doesn't exist?
14 posted on
11/30/2003 1:42:37 PM PST by
To: dennisw; Cachelot; Yehuda; Nix 2; veronica; Catspaw; knighthawk; Alouette; Optimist; weikel; ...
If you'd like to be on or off this middle east/political ping list, please FR mail me.
16 posted on
11/30/2003 2:02:06 PM PST by
To: Kashei64
Anti-Semitism is hating Jews. It's very simple. I'm not sure what denying Christ has to do with anything. Are you saying that Jew-hating doesn't exist?
Is there a difference between criticising Jews and hating Jews or is any criticism of Jews seen as Jew hatred?
17 posted on
11/30/2003 3:04:50 PM PST by
To: Kashei64
>>Anti-Semitism is hating Jews. It's very simple. I'm not sure what denying Christ has to do with anything. Are you saying that Jew-hating doesn't exist?<< to respond. Well, first of all, let me be blunt about your first statement: Most "Jews" are not Semites, so to be against "Jews" is not "anti-Semitism". However, hate is hate, and I deplore those who "hate" anyone because of their secular or religious ties. The next thing is the blatant hypocrisy displayed by those cutting down other people's religious views - especially the name calling. And, I would say, this goes both ways - for those calling themselves Christians and those calling themselves Jews, not to let out other religious or ethnic groups.
As far as the religious tone of my post, well, those claiming to be "Jews" never have denied that they are anti-Christian. The hypocrisy is when they find someone who is anti-Judaism - then the label "anti-Semite" is carelessly thrown all over the place, even though they are not "Semites". Imagine, a Khazar Jew calling a Semitic Arab an "anti-Semite" because the Arab denounces Judaism.
Hmmm....what's more to say?
19 posted on
12/01/2003 3:47:44 PM PST by
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