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Net immigration rises by millions
| 26 Nov 03
| By Jerry Seper
Posted on 11/26/2003 7:18:03 AM PST by .cnI redruM
Edited on 07/12/2004 4:10:53 PM PDT by Jim Robinson.
Net immigration to the United States rose dramatically by 1.4 million in each of the past two years, about half a million of whom were listed as illegal aliens, a report said yesterday.
The Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) said if the numbers remain unchanged, this decade will mark the most massive wave of immigration in American history, with 45 million immigrants
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TOPICS: Culture/Society; Extended News; News/Current Events
KEYWORDS: aliens; illegalaliens; illegals; immigration; republicanturncoats
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Two things nned to happen.
1) THe border needs to be organized. Not necessarily slammed shut, but organized. People need to come here for a specific, known reason and duration of time. They can't just walk in like no border exists.
2) We need to select who gets to stay here on a basis of merit. If someone can contribute significantly to the well being of the US, they can be citizens. If they offer nothing, they can visit, but they can't stay.
To: .cnI redruM
I'm telling ya, it's a plot. Immigration matches abortions.
To: .cnI redruM
Net immigration to the United States rose dramatically by 1.4 million in each of the past two years, about half a million of whom were listed as illegal aliens, a report said yesterday. I wonder where all these nets are? I have not seen any evidence of them in my neighborhood, or at the new construction sites around the area.
I have seen a couple of them here and there in pet stores 'tho.
To: BeerSwillr
Where do you live? In Texas, there are some illegal immigrants. In California, there are entire colonies. There are neighborhoods in LA where you can't shop for groceries in English unless you leave and go to another part of the city. It's a matter of degree. Some places have serious problems, some places don't.
posted on
11/26/2003 7:25:51 AM PST
.cnI redruM
(The social agenda of the Democratic Party reminds me of a creepy XXX fetish show.)
To: .cnI redruM
Net immigration to the United States rose dramatically by 1.4 million in each of the past two years... 1.4 million is way too much, and like it or not those numbers are going to have to be moderated in the near future. At this rate we'll have a half billion people living here by mid-century.
To: .cnI redruM
I know, I know!
I was just trying to put some levity into my day and yours. I know the subject is not funny, but I'm ready to explode I'm so far into overload on this topic.
"Net" immigration? "Net," get it? As in fish "Net."
Ah never mind. Too much effort. Sorry for the poor attempt.
To: Enterprise
The right has actually started winning on abortion. There are fewer every year and younger Americans believe in restrictions on availability.
Immigration is getting worse, not better. I don't think the two are related.
posted on
11/26/2003 7:30:43 AM PST
.cnI redruM
(The social agenda of the Democratic Party reminds me of a creepy XXX fetish show.)
To: BeerSwillr
OK, duh! I missed it.
posted on
11/26/2003 7:31:37 AM PST
.cnI redruM
(The social agenda of the Democratic Party reminds me of a creepy XXX fetish show.)
To: .cnI redruM
There ya go! Have a great Thanksgiving!
To: BeerSwillr
You too Brewski!
posted on
11/26/2003 7:35:12 AM PST
.cnI redruM
(The social agenda of the Democratic Party reminds me of a creepy XXX fetish show.)
To: .cnI redruM
I don't really believe they are related either. I believe immigration is related to economics, not abortion.
To: Enterprise
Immigration is about money and political power. Abortion, to me, is something far more sick. There's a trace of eugenics mixed with a dash of racism and blended with a strong desire to destroy any concept of the family. The abortionists remind me of the government in Orwell's 1984.
posted on
11/26/2003 7:41:19 AM PST
.cnI redruM
(The social agenda of the Democratic Party reminds me of a creepy XXX fetish show.)
To: .cnI redruM
Where do you live? In Texas, there are some illegal immigrants.LOL! Texas is completely over run with illegals.....LOL....
posted on
11/26/2003 7:42:59 AM PST
Joe Hadenuf
(I failed anger management class, they decided to give me a passing grade anyway)
To: .cnI redruM
You forgot #3, take the inscription off the Statue of Liberty.
To: Gunslingr3
No need to. It's the statue of *liberty*, not the statue of immigration.
posted on
11/26/2003 9:32:46 AM PST
Joe Hadenuf
(I failed anger management class, they decided to give me a passing grade anyway)
To: Reaganwuzthebest
1.4 million is way too much, and like it or not those numbers are going to have to be moderated in the near future. Why is inreasing the U.S. population by half a percent bad? Would it be better if our population were in decline?
At this rate we'll have a half billion people living here by mid-century.
So? Presuming no other downward influences on population growth, half a billion people could all live in Texas on 1 acre plots in families of four. I like the prospects of half a billion people operating under the wealth creating engine of liberty.
To: Joe Hadenuf
No need to. It's the statue of *liberty*, not the statue of immigration.Perhaps the should have shut the doors before your forebears arrived.
To: Gunslingr3
Why is inreasing the U.S. population by half a percent bad? Would it be better if our population were in decline? It would be fine by me if immigration were at population replacement levels, which they're currently far exceeding. In the 1980s we took in 500,000 a year and I saw no problem with that.
I like the prospects of half a billion people operating under the wealth creating engine of liberty.
Opinion polls show that better than 80% of the people disagree with you. And sooner or later the Wall St. Journal/libertarian view of open borders will be cast aside.
To: Gunslingr3
You don't create wealth by having fedgov policies that lavish billions of $ of welfare style services to people who are by largely unproductive and have attached themselves to our system and are slowly sucking the life out of it. Current immigration policy is nothing more than pure corporate welfare.....imagine owning a business where you can employ people for minimal wages, evade a whole lot of taxes and pass on the burden of their living expenses on to the taxpayers.
posted on
11/26/2003 10:09:02 AM PST
american spirit
To: Reaganwuzthebest
Opinion polls show that better than 80% of the people disagree with you. And sooner or later the Wall St. Journal/libertarian view of open borders will be cast aside.Should border crossings from Georgia to Florida be regulated? Why or why not?
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