And you know better than me what I should do with my money, right? So you'll just go ahead and make me spend my money in the manner you find acceptable, by making sure that the shirt I really wanted to buy is no longer competitive, is that it? Am I missing anything? Is there any other aspect of my life you would like to govern, or will you settle for running my pocketbook?
It's very simple. When domestic textile manufacturers make shirts that are competitive on price and quality, I'll buy them. If they're not, I won't. But either way, they're not entitled to my money, any more than I'm entitled to a free shirt. I don't ask for handouts from them, and I don't offer any in return.
I'm only pointing out that your domestic spending has an economic ripple effect. It's up to you to take advantage of that by seeking out high quality American made merchandise.
It's very simple. When domestic textile manufacturers make shirts that are competitive on price and quality, I'll buy them. If they're not, I won't.
Unfortunately it's not that simple. Stores like WalMart have elevated the convenience of one stop shopping above getting the highest quality or even the best value. Quality American products can often be found on the internet if you are willing to go look for them.
The jobs have left America and the taxpayers are stuck with unemployment costs, crime, social collapse, and welfare costs so the Government is entitled to your tax money. Paying a few bucks more for the shirt sounds better to me than paying the bucks in taxes. It's pay me now for pay me later and the taxes are more costly.