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To: texasbluebell
Thanks for the link, texasbluebell. Given the circumstances at the time and my belief that the WC was part of a massive cover-up, I tend to place more weight on the initial reports from the ER docs at Parkland.

I think that Dr. Perry has begun to doubt what he saw as the result of so much controversy, so many years and so many conflicting stories. By the same token, considering that I don't believe that Oswald acted alone and that other assassins were stationed in front of the motorcade (I mean, let's be frank; if you hired Oswald to commit an assassination, wouldn't you want some insurance? The guy wasn't too bright) then I have to consider that the throat/neck wound was an entrance wound.

243 posted on 11/26/2003 12:19:00 PM PST by DustyMoment
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To: DustyMoment
Given the circumstances at the time and my belief that the WC was part of a massive cover-up, I tend to place more weight on the initial reports from the ER docs at Parkland.

Yes, I think they knew what they were looking at, but over the years with all the confusion surrounding this, some of those early witnesses to the murder and the aftermath may be faltering in their memories.

265 posted on 11/26/2003 1:25:21 PM PST by texasbluebell
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