1 posted on
11/24/2003 10:48:42 AM PST by
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To: Pyro7480
That, or he has read a dictionary before.
72 posted on
11/24/2003 1:09:44 PM PST by
(Member since before you! I win!)
To: Pyro7480
This may seem like thin evidence to some, but Rudolf Carnap built a distinguished career on supposing that such inductive evidence counted.
I disagree, however.
OTOH, should Rush use 'weltschmerz', it's a different story!
73 posted on
11/24/2003 1:12:25 PM PST by
(Spirit of '76 bttt!)
To: Pyro7480
At this point, Rush is desperate for support anywhere he can get it, AND is keen to know what is being said about him, ESPECIALLY on a conservative forum!
To: Pyro7480
Maybe he owns a dictionary.
78 posted on
11/24/2003 1:18:31 PM PST by
Hillary's Lovely Legs
(I have a plan. I need a dead monkey, empty liquor bottles and a vacuum cleaner.)
To: Pyro7480
I think his mentioning Free Republic by name on a somewhat regular basis starting several years ago, reading threads and having his webpage link to threads would be stronger evidence than this...
79 posted on
11/24/2003 1:20:06 PM PST by
Republican Wildcat
(November 4, 2003. The day the 32-year Democrat lock on Kentucky came to an end.)
To: Pyro7480
Main Entry: scha·den·freu·de
'shä-d&n-"froi-d&Function: noun
Usage: often capitalized
Etymology: German, from Schaden damage + Freude joy
Date: 1895
: enjoyment obtained from the troubles of others
80 posted on
11/24/2003 1:21:59 PM PST by
To: Pyro7480
Allright I admit it ...I am Rush...
81 posted on
11/24/2003 1:23:53 PM PST by
To: Pyro7480
Better examples are that he read from Congressman BillyBob today.
Last week he discussed something and referenced that it came from FR. Right after he read that bit he mentioned how Houston's new, not yet opened, light rail line had collided with an (evil) SUV (which was also a sidebarred thread on FR).
He does look at FR occassionally. The bigger deal is that he may be doing show prep from here.
It's also become obvious (whether or not your example holds) that FReepers are contibuting to the language of the discussion (Terry McAullife becomes Terry McAwful, useful idiots, C.A.N.S.W.E.R., Red Asner, scampaigns,...) and Rush is picking up on some of it. We are a part of the "culture" now.
86 posted on
11/24/2003 2:06:50 PM PST by
To: Pyro7480
Rush just used the word "schadenfreude." Auf Deutch, "Die reinste freude ist die shadenfreude." "The purest joy is the joy in others' misfortune."
Please don't patronize Rush by assuming that he could only know the word if he read it here.
You can however note that German spelling is phonetic--but that the rules of German pronunciation differ from those of English. The Germans pronounce an "e" at the end of a word, and it sounds as "ah." And the German pronunciation of "a" is always as the English would pronounce "a" as in "father".
Rush anglicized the pronunciation, making the trailing "e" silent and pronouncing the "a" (as I recall) more like "ay" than "ah".
"shay-den-froyd" rather than the German "shah-den-froy-dah"
87 posted on
11/24/2003 2:10:17 PM PST by
(The everyday blessings of God are great--they just don't make "good copy.")
To: Pyro7480
Back when I used to listen to Rush regularly (which has gotten to be several years ago, now), I would read things here, and then he would bring them up on his show. It happened all the time. I knew then that he was a regular on FR, at least lurking.
If anyone wonders why I rarely listen to Rush these days, I must say I "blame" FR. On this site (and one other likeminded site) I can read at my own pace (which is FAST) and select what I want to tune in on. I am not bound by the speed of a speaker. I am now impatient with the way Rush stretches his material out. I will listen to Rush when I am driving and obviously cannot access the Internet.
To: Pyro7480
Of course the media lurks here. If you have done a lot of posting and comments you might notice a coindence of similiar material appearing in the mainstream media, within a short period of time.
93 posted on
11/24/2003 3:12:13 PM PST by
(Be on the lookout for Black White-Supremacists)
To: Pyro7480
Only evidence that he has a minimal knowledge of a centuries old word....he couldn't even pronounce it right.
To: Pyro7480
He also used the word "sheeple"
96 posted on
11/24/2003 4:57:04 PM PST by
(We are watching you liberal scum, soon we will take your welfare check, then we will take your home)
To: Pyro7480
Rush is everywhere ;-)
100 posted on
11/24/2003 5:45:50 PM PST by
(Isaiah 22:22, Rev 3:7, Mat 16:19)
To: Pyro7480
Get a life.
At the vey least, watch "Cool Hand Luke.
106 posted on
11/24/2003 8:12:49 PM PST by
(Germany 1932)
To: Pyro7480
I'll know Rush is a lurker when he calls Daschle a maroon.
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